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Motorola Using Boston based Skyhook for its Location Features over Google’s Built-in, on Android Phones

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Yes that’s right Motorola whose new found success can be attributed to Google and Android are dumping Google’s built-in Location finding APi for Boston based Skyhook ( Go Boston)

Skyhook’s location service is interesting: It’s based on a huge grid of wi-fi hotspots. Your phone triangulates itself based on how far away you are from certain wi-fi hotspots. This tends to be much faster than GPS, more precise than cell-tower-based location, and works indoors. (Motorola phones will also have access to cell tower location and GPS
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Motorola is the first Android phone maker that will replace Google’s built-in location services with Skyhook. We understand developers won’t have to do anything different to use the new core location service. (Though some Android developers have already licensed Skyhook on a per-app basis.) Rival Apple already uses Skyhook in its iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and in the latest version of its Mac OS X operating system.
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I don’t think this might be a focal point for picking Android phones, but this continues the trend of taking Google features out of well Google Phones.

Via businessinsider

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