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Looking Good while staying protected from Swine Flu

Ok this is  beats me. A Japanese company will be selling swine flu protective suits,

The company has produced 50,000 of the suits and will start selling them on Thursday, according to a company spokesman.

The suit is coated with the chemical titanium dioxide, which reacts to light to break down and kill the virus when it comes into contact with it, according to Junko Hirohata. The chemical is a common ingredient in toothpaste and cosmetics.

The suit – which is indistinguishable from any other worn by Japan’s legion of “salarymen” – comes in four colours and styles, which are medium grey, charcoal, navy and a grey pinstripe. It will go on sale for about £365.

This is basically a styles version of a superhero suit, sure it won’t protect your from radiation, fire or chemical spill. But you will look stylish and may or my not get swine flu.

more via Telegraph

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